Thread: FF.Pickup
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Old 09-08-2011, 04:07 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2009
Gametype: Capture the Flag
Posts Rated Helpful 0 Times

Once again I was banned in #ff.pickup By AngryBob for no reason. Check the stats and ask any player that was playing in the pickup last night at about 1 in the morning. I am still banned at this point for nothing and its impossible to contact any of the real admins. You wonder why this game will never succeed? Just last night alone a new player was chased off because he started the game as offensive soldier. Instead of explaining why that isn't ok (which I believe it is) they just ridiculed him with the exception of Drakonal. During the same game Leadmine was banned for finding a sub halfway through because he had to leave. I was banned for "giving up" because I went soldier for a couple minutes on defense. AngryBob is one of the most annoying and stupid people involved in FF. He banned me because in the beginning of the game he said "All I ask if that you comm, reset, and dont TK.", like some kind of godfather. I try to get back to my SG quick and didn't comm so he shoots me and starts to whine. I comm a few times when coming into the FR and then forget one time so he kills me. He starts raging about comms like he owns the server, the game, and the internet, and says you are getting a ban for not trying. So I said fuck you. Then we are on offense on Phantom and he is in the attic part standing there shooting an SG with his SHOTGUN. So I am an demo and go to jump down and mirv the SG. As I do he gets in the way and a mirv bounced off his head killing us all. HE says you purposefully killed me and you are getting a ban. While Churchmouth, Moya, LM, and practically everyone else in the game is telling him to shutup, he is constantly talking shit to make via voice chat, saying "you are going to get a ban after this, you just wait and see." Sure enough I was banned along with LM and that was the end of FF pickups for the night. Nobody knew how to un-ban apparently either

TL;DR: I was banned for nothing once again by an incompetent idiot who was somehow seen fit to be an admin. This is one of the many reasons why this game is failing and will continue to do so. I guess I will probably get unbanned and this message will be deleted just like all my other ones. It amazes me that time after time the admins selected are the most rude, pompous, and unfair people around, guess some things never change. In short fuck Bob and fuck FF.pickup. Also I hope you loser ass has something to say Bob, there was 8 other people there who watched you act like a jackass, and will vouch for me. I don't know where you get off being all Nazi style like you run shit and we owe you to play this game. You are a loser, power tripping lackey with nothing better to do. You take pride in your "angry" style when in reality you look like nothing more then an un-educated, ignorant, bum.

PS. check the logs and stats to see whats up. I'm Bo and I'm not going to read through this for grammatical errors.

Last edited by ZNP011; 09-08-2011 at 05:19 PM.
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