Thread: How to fix FF
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Old 08-22-2011, 03:01 PM   #5
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I have no problems getting around snipers on most maps.There are some where it's extremely difficult and frustrating unless there is a sniper on my team that's half-way decent. But as I've said before, that's not really a class balancing issue.

Trying to think of a way to fix some of those more frustrating parts though. Maybe if getting hit by bullets would through the scope out of zoom and push the target off kilt? I haven't played as a sniper in a while so I don't know if this happens in some form now. Basically, the only time I get frustrated playing another class against a sniper is when I can't leave my base because a sniper has found a good spot and just shoots every 3rd person coming out with great accuracy. It would be nice if taking pot shots could give me a chance to knock his aim off and let me sneak by.

This also doesn't destroy the power he has in a way that is too extreme which in my opinion is what you are asking. See, every other class can at least get shot, and run away from. If a scout goes against a HW he can conc away. Wont kill him, but he can run away. It's hard to do that with a sniper on some maps. So being able to shoot his aim off so you can levels the playing field a little bit.
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