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Old 07-13-2011, 04:51 PM   #18
Everyones favorite FreaK
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Originally Posted by Ventry(Leo Wainker) View Post
Storm in a tea cup.
It's Talos's right to run their server anyway they see fit.
Don't like it??
Don't play there.
Same goes for those that don't like the way OT run their server.
Seems pretty simple to me.
Well, I agree people should be able to run their servers the way they want, with their rules and such. But when it comes to modifying game elements, such as removing and replacing grenades and super buffing another, in a game that is lucky to have 2 - 3 Public servers with people on them at the peak of popularity.

It isn't ideal, there's usually a 1 in 3 chance a new player will play on Talos first, and they'll be introduced to a Soldier with an overpowered secondary grenade, and a Heavy with Mirvs. Then when they go to a different server, like OT or KubeDawgs, they'll be expecting the same experience, but will then realise the laser grenade is pants, and the Heavy should have slow grenades. It's just going to confuse new people.

It can be done well in games that have tens of thousands of players and thousands of servers, but not when we have, what, a 1,000 active gamers? random guess. And with a check of the Steam server browser, 19 servers up Altogether, and half of them I've never even seen before.
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