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Old 06-14-2011, 08:43 PM   #1
Jay Mofo Mills
Beta Tester
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Santa Fe, NM
Gametype: Snag the flag beotches
Posts Rated Helpful 8 Times
Need some soundscape help

I'm pretty much ready to release ff_raze_b2. I've fixed the problems that it was having and made quite a few cosmetic changes. Think it looks better and will play better.

My problem is that once in awhile the soundscapes get a little buggy. I have the radius set to -1 so that if the player can see the soundscape they should hear it.
FIRST QUESTION: Does this mean player(or soundscape entity) needs line of sight, regardless of facing direction? or does the player have to be looking at the entity for the soundscape to play???

SECOND QUESTION: Once in awhile a soundscape doesn't turn off properly. This doesn't always happen, but when it does it's annoying. i.e. the critters in raze.cave get stuck on and don't turn off when you move into a new area. Seemed to happen when I left the raze.cave soundscape area to the raze.yard area while the critters were playing. Constant cricket buzz annoying shit. I will paste a copy of the soundscape at the bottom.

THIRD QUESTION: It was brought to my attention by a few people that their in game sound would cut out in areas. It was only the people who downloaded the map off the server. Everyone who used my external link and got the soundscapes.txt file didn't seem to have the same issues. Is this a server side problem??? How can I make it so it's not problematic next release?

I appreciate your time and help.

//		ff_raze_b2_soundscapes.txt
// Thanks to everyone who put the work in making these soundscapes Mervaka/Valve
// I am borrowing them for my map   - m0f0
// Built off the Well soundscape file by Mervaka
// Some sections based on existing valve soundscapes but modified
//	"0 : "Normal (off)"
//	1 : "Generic"
//	2 : "Metal Small"
//	3 : "Metal Medium"
//	4 : "Metal Large"
//	5 : "Tunnel Small"
//	6 : "Tunnel Medium"
//	7 : "Tunnel Large"
//	8 : "Chamber Small"
//	9 : "Chamber Medium"
//	10: "Chamber Large"
//	11: "Bright Small"
//	12: "Bright Medium"
//	13: "Bright Large"
//	14: "Water 1"
//	15: "Water 2"
//	16: "Water 3"
//	17: "Concrete Small"
//	18: "Concrete Medium"
//	19: "Concrete Large"
//	20: "Big 1"
//	21: "Big 2"
//	22: "Big 3"
//	23: "Cavern Small"
//	24: "Cavern Medium"
//	25: "Cavern Large"
//	26: "Weirdo 1"
//	27: "Weirdo 2"
//	28: "Weirdo 3"" 

// Large Open Flag Room
	// DSP: // 1 : "Generic"
	"dsp"		"1"
	"dsp_volume" 	"0.2"

	// constant ambient base
		"volume"	"0.2,"
		"pitch"		"100"
		"wave"		"ambient/atmosphere/ff_ambience.wav"
		"volume"	"0.2,"
		"pitch"		"100"
		"wave"		"ambient/atmosphere/engine_room.wav"
		"name"		"ff.drips1"
		"volume"	"0.2"
		"name"		"raze.base"
		"volume"	"0.2"
		"name"		"raze.shoop"
		"volume"	"0.2"

// Large Open Flag Room
	// DSP: // 1 : "Generic"
	"dsp"		"1"
	"dsp_volume" 	"0.2"

	// constant ambient base
		"volume"	"0.1,0.4"
		"pitch"		"100"
		"wave"		"ambient/atmosphere/ff_ambience.wav"
		"name"		"ff.drips1"
		"volume"	"0.7"
		"name"		"raze.yard"
		"volume"	"0.05"

	// DSP: // 1 : "Generic"
	"dsp"		"1"
	"dsp_volume" 	"0.2"

	// constant ambient base
		"name"		"raze.base"
		"volume"	"1"
		"time"		"5,10"
		"volume"	"0.3"
		"pitch"		"90,100"
		"position"	"random"
			"wave"	"ambient/creatures/rats1.wav"

// Centre Bunker
	"dsp"		"5"
	"dsp_volume"	"0.2"

	// constant ambient base
		"volume"	"0.3"
		"pitch"		"100"
		"wave"		"ambient/atmosphere/quiet_cellblock_amb.wav"
		"wave"		"ambient/levels/canals/tunnel_wind_loop1.wav"
		"time"		"5,10"
		"volume"	"0.3,0.5"
		"pitch"		"90,100"
		"position"	"random"
			"wave"	"ambient/wind/wind_snippet5.wav"
			"wave"	"ambient/materials/rustypipes1.wav"
		"name"		"raze.base"
		"volume"	"0.4"


//Shoop transition
	// DSP: // 1 : "Generic"
	"dsp"		"1"
	"dsp_volume" 	"0.4"

	// constant ambient base
		"name" 		"raze.base"
		"volume"	"0.5"
		"name"		"raze.shoop"
		"volume"	"0.7"

// Transition from yard inside
	// DSP: // 1 : "Generic"
	"dsp"		"1"
	"dsp_volume" 	"0.4"

	// constant ambient base
		"name" 		"raze.yard"
		"volume"	"0.5"
		"name"		"raze.base"
		"volume"	"0.7"

// Yard between two bases
	"dsp"		"1"
	"dsp_volume" 	"0.3"
	// constant wind base
		"volume"	"0.4"
		"pitch"		"100"
		"wave"		"ambient/wind/ff_wasteland_wind.wav"
		"volume"	"0.9"
		"pitch"		"100"
		"wave"		"ambient/water/rumble_rain_nowind.wav"
	// Wind gusts (based on cliffe's cs_assault settings)
		"time"		"5,15"
		"volume"	"0.5"
		"pitch"		"90,110"
			"wave"	"ambient/wind/wind_snippet1.wav"
			"wave"	"ambient/wind/wind_snippet2.wav"
			"wave"	"ambient/wind/wind_snippet5.wav"
			"wave"	"ambient/levels/coast/coastbird3.wav"
			"wave"	"ambient/materials/rock3.wav"
			"wave"  "ambient/water/rumble_rain.wav"
		"time"		"6,30"
		"volume"	"0.7"
		"pitch"		"90,110"
		"position"	"random"
			"wave"	"ambient/atmosphere/thunder1.wav"
			"wave"	"ambient/atmosphere/thunder2.wav"
			"wave"	"ambient/atmosphere/thunder3.wav"
			"wave"	"ambient/atmosphere/thunder4.wav"

	"dsp"		"1"
	"dsp_volume" 	"0.4"

	// constant ambient base
		"name" 		"raze.yard"
		"volume"	"1"
		"time"		"6,15"
		"volume"	"0.7"
		"pitch"		"90,110"
		"position"	"random"
			"wave"	"ambient/creatures/pigeon_idle1.wav"
			"wave"	"ambient/creatures/pigeon_idle3.wav"
// Cave in yard area
	"dsp"		"23"
	"dsp_volume" 	"0.2"
		"volume"	"0.4"
		"pitch"		"100"
		"wave"		"ambient/atmosphere/cave_hit3.wav"
		"volume"	"0.4"
		"pitch"		"100"
		"wave"		"ambient/atmosphere/cave_outdoor1.wav"
		"volume"	"0.23"
		"pitch"		"100"
		"wave"		"ambient/levels/canals/water_rivulet_loop2.wav"
		"name"		"raze.yard"
		"volume"	"0.25"
		"time"		"5,10"
		"volume"	"0.3"
		"pitch"		"80,100"
		"wave"		"ambient/atmosphere/hole_amb3.wav"
		"wave"		"ambient/creatures/flies4.wav"
		"time"		"10,15"
		"volume"	"0.2"
		"pitch"		"80,100"
		"position"	"random"
		"wave"		"ambient/levels/canals/critter4.wav"
		"wave"		"ambient/levels/canals/swamp_stereo_frogs_loop1.wav"


//Dripping water sounds

		"volume"	"0.1,0.4"
		"pitch"		"90,120"
		"time"		"0.5, 5.0"
		"position"	"random"
		"soundlevel"	"SNDLVL_140db"
			"wave"	"ambient/water/rain_drip1.wav"
			"wave"	"ambient/water/rain_drip2.wav"
			"wave"	"ambient/water/rain_drip3.wav"
			"wave"	"ambient/water/rain_drip5.wav"

Last edited by Elmo; 06-14-2011 at 09:41 PM. Reason: code tags
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