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Old 05-27-2011, 06:22 PM   #12
Beta Tester
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Join Date: May 2010
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Gametype: Capture the Flag is there any other
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well seeing as the scout has 1 build-able already. what about a teleporter, no not for the engineer but for the spy because it would be awesome. just a random idea to throw around.

also heres an idea for a thrid engineer which will never be implemented do to the fact that we will never see another patch.

new sentry model: to explain my build-able idea i have to first explain how the the regular sentry gun would have to have more kick than the current because frankly i want to be pushed back by this ones its defensive right.

a quick build sentry and or Offensive sentry. this sentry would only have 1 form no upgrades (or its own set of upgrades as it be a separate kind of sentry.) you can only build one type of sentry at a time. it would do more damage but have next to no or very little push-back almost like what we have now. as for as damage it would do more damage to counter this. as i called it a quick build this thing goes up in seconds but doesn't have a whole lot of hp. it would be something i could put up right behind the front line to support my allies and then charge into the front line.

the engineer doesn't need new build-ables so much as fixing the ones he has. also your thinking to hard the engineer buids sentrys to many things and it becomes tf2. also as a weapon what about land mines for the engineer that either slow poeple down or kill them.
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Last edited by WiFiDi; 05-27-2011 at 06:39 PM.
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