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Old 05-24-2011, 04:00 AM   #276
Everyones favorite FreaK
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I hope Snipers dont get nerfed :/, they have pretty low health, no secondary grenade, a basic movement speed, and need to wait 5 seconds to do serious damage to another class. It's hard enough. And, they need to actually aim accurately. Most classes don't have to be hugely accurate.

People only complain about them because they themselves can't snipe or do not find it desirable because they get killed so much, these days I tend not to be a very vocalized person on FF classes, but there are classes I dislike, but in no way would I want them to be nerfed to make the class useless. Like the Soldier, for the vast majority of people only using splash damage instead of aiming for the person.

It annoys me, but that is what makes the Soldier such a good defensive class, if soldiers were just shooting a massive bullet with no explosion, there would be very few Soldier kills on record, they need the splash.

And Snipers as they are, in my opinion, are fine, I'd leave them alone, the only changes I can imagine being made would be negative, slowly killing the class off.

The only thing that would maybe warrant a negative change in the sniper would be if they were given a unique secondary grenade at the same time.. the sniper is often the first line of defense, so a grenade could be designed around that so the sniper can be weaker.. but also more effective being able to have a unique secondary grenade.

As it stands, I'm too tired to think of a good example, I'm sure one of you could throw something out there.
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