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Old 05-21-2011, 06:49 PM   #269
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Ruining #pickups
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Posts Rated Helpful 26 Times
Scouts are 25% faster.
Scouts can super trimp without using a conc or relying on a jump pad.
Scouts have jump pads.
Scouts spawn with 1 more conc.
Scouts can't DM for shit.

Medics are 20% slower. (math!)
Medics have trouble with super trimps unless they use a conc/jpad.
Medics have grenades, and can DM well.
Medics can hold three concs, but only if they pick up a grenade bag which is usually out of the way.
Medics can heal allies.
Medics are awesome on defense on certain maps.

There are plenty of distinctions. We don't need to make them more unique, honestly.

Okay maybe get rid of jump pads and add in caltrops.
7:00 PM - zE: eh tbh i like some stuff in us but a lot of stuff in us messes with my nerves
7:00 PM - zE: like watching fox news
7:00 PM - zE: its like wtf
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