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Old 05-20-2011, 12:28 PM   #265
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Originally Posted by episkopos View Post
My experience with medic and scout is that unless they're in the hands of a total FF junkie, you need three of them coming in at exactly the same time to get anything done; a bit tricky to arrange in a pub. Pyro is a good compromise, he's fast enough to get to the flag in reasonable time (only 20 HU/s slower than medic), has plenty of health and armour, and new players can get a few frags with him along the way, which let's face it, is what people find satisfying. While he may not be the most optimal offense class for a very good player, due to lack of concs, he's not really that bad.
Medics and scouts are ideal for flag capturing. They just conc in and out. But lets look at the style of play and ultimate result. You conc in, grab the flag, and conc out. Then you repeat until they kill you and you do the same thing over again. Not everyone wants to play that position. It's repetitive. it serves a great purpose for the team of course and is the most effective way to flag cap because no other classes are fast enough. All you really have to to is get the short distance to safety for your jump.

But here is my theory, to make things easier for those medics and scouts you really do needs someone weakening, distracting and fighting the defense. If the soldiers are on fire it's harder to see. Same goes for any offensive *player* with any class. If they are attacking the defense it's harder for them to do their job.

This is a completely reasonable strategy. It also allows for a team player to be around in case of a flag from. They player can move the flag closer to the base so the scout/medic has less distance to cap. He can also keep the flag in play in case home base in under heavy attack and scout/medic can't get out in time.

My only point here, is not to exclude, or marginalize another class or strategy but get the community to open up to the idea that this game can be played in different ways. Not every game is a structured clan match. When it is, by all means play that way. I wont be there. But in a pub server get over the over structuring because your whining pisses people off, and it's a big reason why I don't play very much. Also, many others.

We'll call that the royal "you" as I didn't mean to refer to you, episkopos.

Last edited by BinaryLife; 05-20-2011 at 12:39 PM. Reason: politeness?
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