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Old 05-20-2011, 09:24 AM   #264
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Originally Posted by BinaryLife View Post
Freak I share your sentiment almost exactly. And I think hammock is stretching things a tad. Both exaggerating what you said and what game scenarios exist.

Playing offensive pyro for example, is a great idea. As they have both great maneuverability and if played well a fantastic kill strategy. They are great at weaking the other teams defense and punching through tough spots. But every time I've played as a pyro lately I get crap from my own team and others. This mentality is not making the game very fun for people to play and I think it is causing a melt down in players.

I think it's great when people make suggestions that better help an overall game experience. Like "Hey, I noticed you play offense a lot, but we don't need an offensive player it would be better if you played defense and there's more action there." As apposed to "Pyros are a defensive class, you aren't helping your team newb!' I receive that one on almost every server I play except one.
My experience with medic and scout is that unless they're in the hands of a total FF junkie, you need three of them coming in at exactly the same time to get anything done; a bit tricky to arrange in a pub. Pyro is a good compromise, he's fast enough to get to the flag in reasonable time (only 20 HU/s slower than medic), has plenty of health and armour, and new players can get a few frags with him along the way, which let's face it, is what people find satisfying. While he may not be the most optimal offense class for a very good player, due to lack of concs, he's not really that bad.
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