Thread: The Arena
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Old 03-25-2011, 04:06 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by GenghisTron View Post
The only reason people seem to have 'gotten control of themselves' is because you instill fear. Legitimate thoughts and concerns, and good posts are ultimately censored because of a few words, or a few phrases which don't meet your subjective standards. I realize I am free to leave, and you guys can and do set the rules, but I'm talking about principle. By effectively censoring people, you haven't made them good, or better, you have made them afraid to actually be themselves.
Isn't that was the "law" does? Instil "feat" of "consequences"? To be perfectly honest(which I try to always be); Many people on here have crossed the line and not gotten even a warning for it. Censorship isn't what is at issue here... I have absolutely NO problem with people stating their opinion. However, making others(especially people NEW to the Mod/community) feel that their opinion is somehow "wrong", or "bad", lacks basic respect for others. If you want to allow others to give their opinion, then treat them with a bit of respect. If you want to kill the Mod, then keep bashing new people, and making them feel unwelcome.

If you disagree with the direction the Mod is going, then feel free to state your reasons for disagreeing with it. Example: "The laser grenade isn't as effective as the nail grenade, because....(state your reason)." Opposesed to "OMFG! The Laser Nade is fucking retarded! WTF were you assbags thinking?!"

Which do you think will be taken more seriously?

No it doesn't, you guys are just religious in your devotion to defend OT from any and all criticism that they rightly deserve. OT is a scourge, and the only reason it's still popular is because it's a borderline cult and OT members and devotees sit in the server all goddamn day, so when people get home they go to OT because it has people in it.
Criticism is one thing, bashing is another. I have played on every occupied server FF has(and I've idled in some that aren't). From O-T, to Ze's Palace, and a couple I whose names I can't recall off of the top of my head. Given the lack of populated servers out there, I'm sure you can figure them out. I have had NO problems on any of them. Is O-T strict? Yes. But some players like it that way. They cater to people who don't want to be exposed to cheating/racism/swearing/etc. Does that mean Ze allows anarchy? No. They have rules, as well. Are they as strict as O-T? No. Basicly, is boils down to this: Can YOU(the player) abide by the rules? If you can, then play there. If you can't.... find somewhere that caters to YOUR style of play, and play there.

It's not fucking rocket science... Play where you enjoy playing, but don't pick fights with a server just because YOU don't like it's rules. If they are too strict/loose with their rules, don't play there. If enough people refuse to play there, it will eventually go down, due to lack of activity.

Case in point; Drippy's 2fort TFC server. It limits Bunnyhop, which causes some people to not play there. Yet it's one of the FEW servers that survives. Gas Chamber caters to a different player base. Which is wrong? Niether. They cater to different groups, and both servers are still popular. One allows respawn spam, the other doesn't. GC doesn't limit B-Hop...and it's popular for that, with some players. One has multiple maps, and one has only one. Both servers are popular.

Do you see what I'm getting at here?

OT caters to certain players, while others are turned off to it's rules. Other servers cater to people who don't like OT, and that's fine. Play where you want, and don't worry about the places you don't want to play.

Personally, I think the community should air out and any all problems it has. If the community has a problem with OT, OT should either answer for it, or deal with it. Instead of locking threads and silencing dissent (and thus brushing legit criticisms under the carpet), all you've done is shake the foundation of trust of regular members of the community.
Yes, feel free to "air out any and all problems".... but what is wrong with doing it RESPECTFULLY?! Threads have been edited and/or locked, because people have been flaming their fellow users. Remember, we are here because we ENJOY this game, and (I hope) want to make it better. Saying "I disagree with (such and so's) rule against cussing" is the same as saying "I disagree with (such and so) server allowing respawn spam".

OT thinks it's fucking immune to any and all criticism, and they put on this dumb fucking facade like they're some innocent little child sitting in the corner, when to anyone with a functioning brain realizes that's not the case.
OT is no more immune from criticism than any other server. The problem is, that it always breaks down from criticism into flaming. See above for examples.

Scuzzy is a scumbag, and so are his henchmen, and it's sad that you and others defend them like they were your own children. Give me a break. It's nauseating. Everyone hates OT except the people who are so self-absorbed that they don't give a fuck about the community, and would rather play in OT just because it's somewhere to play. I have a better idea, how about we get servers going that have people playing, and aren't run by fucking fascists? You get the best of both worlds. Anyways, like I was saying, pretty much everyone, without exception (save for those that aren't banned) hate OT, but most people aren't willing to voice their opinion, because they realize how petty the whole goddamn situation is.
So far, the only people I've seen hate OT, are those who are banned from there. Coincidently, it's because they caused themselves to be banned from there. I play there, and I care about the community. Probably more than you do, because I am willing to do what is needed to protect those who are new to the community.

You call those who run OT fascists... but aren't you the fascist because you want to impose your values on their server? You know, the one they pay for? If you want a server under your rules, then why don't you pay for one?

Don't like my opinion? Fine. Don't play on my server.... oh, wait, I don't have one. Consider a server like a home(I'm going to pull an old BBS methodology here)... he who pays the bills makes the rules. Don't like the rules? Get your own. Would you cuss in my home if I told you not to? Would you bitch up a storm and call me a fascist if I threw you out of my home for disobeying my rules? Put the shoe on the other foot. Would you like being called a fascist for enforcing the rules in your home, where you pay the bills?

I was actually banned from OT because I was typing out the name of a person in the server (his name was like Poosniffer or something) and I accidentally mistyped his name as Poosnigger or something, and I was immediately autobanned.
Wait for it...
I didn't even feel like appealing my ban,
Wait... what did you say?
I didn't even feel like appealing my ban,
Oh... so you were wrong, but "didn't feel like appealing my ban" because you knew you made a mistake. Mistakes happen... sooooo....
I didn't even feel like appealing my ban, because it would be clear that it was entirely accidental,
You are aware that Scuzztools, you know, the software that autobans for shit like that, is, well, software? Artificial Intelligence isn't quite up to "knowing" what you meant. It doesn't have "Jedi senses" coded in.

Scuzzy has stated, quite clearly, that Scuzztools is there to "nip potential problems in the bud". What you are saying, is that you were too LAZY to correct a mistake. You were not banned by an admin who saw what you accidentally typed, you were banned by a program intended to stop abuse. YOU admit to being too lazy to state your case, and get the mistake corrected. And somehow that is OT's fault?! Wait.... let's see that again...

I didn't even feel like appealing my ban,

I just didn't care that much to go through the trials and tribulations of having to bow down and ask Lord Scuzzy to allow me to kiss his fucking ring and beg for forgiveness from the OT gods. It's a fucking video game, and everything about OT wreaks submission and conformity. The reason they don't want swearing in this server (Or at least that's what they claim, meanwhile the few times I was in the server, OT devotees were regularly cursing on the mic, without an ounce of compunction) is because they are thinning the herd so to speak, they want to mold a perfect little community of hardcore, spineless, conformists. Scuzzy doesn't actually take offense to naughty words, I heard stories from people in TALOS about Scuzzy telling racist jokes in their private vent. Nah, OT aren't some moral purists, they're simply trying to create a hyper-structured, top-down community where any and all individualism is crushed, and conformity and submission are the end objective. Reading Scuzzy's posts, analyzing his tactics and his whole system he has setup, wreaks of a dude on a HARDCORE fucking powertrip. Posting people's personal information on their public banlog, the entire system is practically automated, the rules are ridiculous, etc.
I'm going to cuddle with my fiance'. I'll finish this tomorrow.
Originally Posted by zSilver_Fox
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