Thread: The Arena
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Old 03-24-2011, 05:58 AM   #24
AKA LittleAndroidMan
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Originally Posted by Iggy View Post
So... yes, we did crack down on the flaming. I've noticed that no infractions have been needed since. Everyone has gotten control of themselves, and that makes me happy. I don't mind when people disagree, that's fine.... as long as it stays civil(everywhere but D&A). That's all we ask.
The only reason people seem to have 'gotten control of themselves' is because you instill fear. Legitimate thoughts and concerns, and good posts are ultimately censored because of a few words, or a few phrases which don't meet your subjective standards. I realize I am free to leave, and you guys can and do set the rules, but I'm talking about principle. By effectively censoring people, you haven't made them good, or better, you have made them afraid to actually be themselves.

Originally Posted by Iggy View Post
Server bashing makes the whole community look bad.
No it doesn't, you guys are just religious in your devotion to defend OT from any and all criticism that they rightly deserve. OT is a scourge, and the only reason it's still popular is because it's a borderline cult and OT members and devotees sit in the server all goddamn day, so when people get home they go to OT because it has people in it.

Personally, I think the community should air out and any all problems it has. If the community has a problem with OT, OT should either answer for it, or deal with it. Instead of locking threads and silencing dissent (and thus brushing legit criticisms under the carpet), all you've done is shake the foundation of trust of regular members of the community.

OT thinks it's fucking immune to any and all criticism, and they put on this dumb fucking facade like they're some innocent little child sitting in the corner, when to anyone with a functioning brain realizes that's not the case.

Scuzzy is a scumbag, and so are his henchmen, and it's sad that you and others defend them like they were your own children. Give me a break. It's nauseating. Everyone hates OT except the people who are so self-absorbed that they don't give a fuck about the community, and would rather play in OT just because it's somewhere to play. I have a better idea, how about we get servers going that have people playing, and aren't run by fucking fascists? You get the best of both worlds. Anyways, like I was saying, pretty much everyone, without exception (save for those that aren't banned) hate OT, but most people aren't willing to voice their opinion, because they realize how petty the whole goddamn situation is.

I was actually banned from OT because I was typing out the name of a person in the server (his name was like Poosniffer or something) and I accidentally mistyped his name as Poosnigger or something, and I was immediately autobanned. I didn't even feel like appealing my ban, because it would be clear that it was entirely accidental, I just didn't care that much to go through the trials and tribulations of having to bow down and ask Lord Scuzzy to allow me to kiss his fucking ring and beg for forgiveness from the OT gods. It's a fucking video game, and everything about OT wreaks submission and conformity. The reason they don't want swearing in this server (Or at least that's what they claim, meanwhile the few times I was in the server, OT devotees were regularly cursing on the mic, without an ounce of compunction) is because they are thinning the herd so to speak, they want to mold a perfect little community of hardcore, spineless, conformists. Scuzzy doesn't actually take offense to naughty words, I heard stories from people in TALOS about Scuzzy telling racist jokes in their private vent. Nah, OT aren't some moral purists, they're simply trying to create a hyper-structured, top-down community where any and all individualism is crushed, and conformity and submission are the end objective. Reading Scuzzy's posts, analyzing his tactics and his whole system he has setup, wreaks of a dude on a HARDCORE fucking powertrip. Posting people's personal information on their public banlog, the entire system is practically automated, the rules are ridiculous, etc.
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