Thread: are we ever
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Old 01-28-2011, 01:22 AM   #19
I like Ceyx
Beta Tester
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i will say 2 things.

1. before knowing him and when clans and the ugc were around, i took carrots into my clan with open arms. i also took in 4 other people who'm i never met before. out of the 4, i regret accepting carrots - regardless of things people warned me with him. he never came to practices, skipped practices and a an actual match to play tfc pickups. i know im not the most upstanding citizen of this community, but this is also the same kid who would get on his microphone in a pub and repeat the same three words, 'CHEF YOU MAD?!' at the top of his lungs for about 5 minutes straight. OH AND I ALMOST FORGOT ROFL.... he spelled his name carrotts because hes obviously a highschool dropout who(if i met) would get curbstomped like the lil bitch kid that he is. this is not someone that is good for FF or its community.

2. if FF wants to succeed, it needs 2 things imo:
the first is a solid group of active developers that genuinely want to see FF succeed who also have an open mind. FF is not TFC source as much as I want it to be. the devs should be able to set and achieve reasonable goals even if they only have a very limited time to work on things.

idk how they do things now, but from a beta testers viewpoint - i really dont see any goalsetting and achieving going on. (i could be wrong)

the second is more general... it needs that "oooh, aahhhh, sweeet!" factor. the "look what i just did" factor. that is done with achievements/badges and yes a tutorial which(idk if im allowed to say it but - there is a very sexy tutorial in the works. it should be released with the next patch)

that stuff aside, all i can do is hope that if someone who's never played tfc or FF does give FF a try is not greeted by a huge map with 4 players/a tiny map with 20 players/ or the banhammer that is inevitable on the OT server.
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