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Old 01-12-2011, 11:57 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Iggy View Post
No, they would shoot more, since many of them carry semi-automatics and can't aim worth a shit. Also, should he have asked the criminal if he was armed? I can see that now:

"Gimme yo wallet, motherfucker!"
"Excuse me, before I decide whether to succumb to your demand, may I ask if you are armed?"
"Yeah, I am." *bang*
Result: Crime victim dead.

I knew a guy back in Jr High and High school. After graduation, he got a job in DC. One night as he walked to his car, an assbag(who probably had a long criminal record) stuck a gun in his face, and demanded his wallet. He handed it over with no struggle or confrontation. The fucker shot and killed him anyway.

Criminals don't give a shit about the law. That's why they are criminals. Most of them are armed, which is why they have the balls to rob someone. Even the ones who aren't, might as well be. After all, how is the victim to know if they are or not? And really, who gives a shit? If someone tries to rob you, and you shoot them dead... too fucking bad. If they didn't try to rob you, they wouldn't be in any danger, now would they?

Does that mean guns should be handed out willy-nilly? Of course not. Proper training should be required before a "permit to carry" is issued to anyone. However, anyone who has a clean criminal record, and can prove they aren't mentally ill, should be allowed to carry a firearm to defend themselves.
There are many people out there who can carry a firearm and be responsible with it. There are probably many more who, given such easy access to that much power, would act irresponsibly such as the guy in this story. He pulled his gun, the kid ran, and he shot him anyway. Eight times.

How many people out there with clean criminal records can prove that they are mentally stable enough to carry a gun? Plenty of them like this guy who just want an excuse to shoot someone.

If Ricey went to those clubs he mentioned and EVERYONE in there had a gun, the outcome of some of those altercations would have probably been very different.

Middle America has proven many times that they don't handle responsibility very well.

Arming everyone just sounds like a recipe for disaster.
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