Thread: (WIP) FF_Avanti
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Old 10-11-2010, 03:17 AM   #52
Nade Whore
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A lot of people were torn with casbah on TFC. I think because of the map layout it made it seem more difficult for one team than the other to cap the flag. But that's not your fault. You did take on the task though so that's good. And btw, we just got done playing casbah on the Talos server and had a blast.

You will receive criticism from anything you do in life, so my advice is to take everything with a big grain of salt. Especially from people who've been here for a while, because they are focused more on the overall image of FF and since everyone has their own opinions, those opinions will be heard by those closest to the community. Also, I'm glad you weren't coaxed into changing the map because despite its flaws passed down from TFC, it's one helluva good map, but mostly when there are a lot of people playing it. Casbah is just a big map, and a big map usually calls for a larger amount of people and that's something that FF hasn't had since its release. So even if you are bitter, you shouldn't be because you created a map that I like that my opinion matters more than everybody else's so there. Happy now?
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