Thread: (WIP) FF_Avanti
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Old 10-10-2010, 11:37 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by GiGaBiTe View Post
It wasn't a combine door, it was a bunch of wooden fences (screenshots were taken in Garry's Mod). The were used to block a bunch of null faces and rape geometry that wasn't finished.

I stopped work on Avanti and Flagrun over a year ago because both maps weren't worth my time. The FF community consists of a grand total of 24 servers at any given time, and all but one actually have ANY players in them.

Casbah took a year and a half of my life that I'll never get back, and I'm going to be bitter about it for a long, long time. People thought it was a grand idea to port the map, so I pushed through the long hours of working on it and development hell of people offering help and constantly disappearing without a trace.

After that long hellish experience (which I endured because I thought I would actually be able to enjoy the fruits of my hard labor) the map was met with hate and harsh criticism. The few games I actually got to play on big servers, it would empty them out within minutes with people saying how terrible the level was and why I even bothered porting such a garbage map.

I was pretty devastated that a year and a half of some of my best work was hated by everyone that played on it, despite the few people on the forum that naysayed otherwise. I gave the source out to casbah more than a year ago now and I have yet to see anyone bother with it, nor have I seen any servers play it since the few days after I released it.

This is the reason why I'm not going to bother with either Avanti or Flagrun, they'll likely receive the same fanfare, and even if they were well recieved (which is unlikely) there are so few players that again, it's not worth my time.

I'm also not going to give out the source to the maps because they'll either be 1) Mutilated or 2) completely ignored like Casbah was.
Well Avanti is WAY more popular than Casbah, and I guarantee that people would actually play the map if it was finished.
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