Thread: Dear FF,
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Old 09-30-2010, 04:10 AM   #10
D&A Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Gametype: Capture the Flag
Posts Rated Helpful 1 Times
Originally Posted by Bridget View Post
Dear Fortress Forever Community,

Please stop bitching that the only thing public players can do is 'deathmatch'. When you create an entire game that requires a giant skill requirement just to play on a basic competitive level, then you completely alienate new players. When a beginner is unable to bunnyhop across the yard fast enough to avoid the inevitable sniper fire, then what else can he do beside play in-base deathmatch-defense? When a beginner is unable to air-strafe and control a concussion jump, then how will he ever be able to bypass the defenders to get to the flag? What are objectives if you can't reach them? What is organized play if you have to have immediate skill to experience it?
I don't think that the reason people deathmatch is because the game is too hard. In fact, i think that most of the mechanics are pretty easy (you can bunnyhop without having to keep pressing the space bar, concjumping is pretty much just waiting till the timer runs out and jumping, etc). If you look up the game Gunz, its a game with a crazy learning curve due to all the glitches and movement techniques in it but it is still pretty popular whereas it would have probably died without them.
The reason is that killing people is fun and public players aren't competing so there's no real incentive for capping flags. Also since this game has instant spawn, killing people doesn't really help to cap the flag.
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