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Old 09-29-2010, 02:52 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by NeoNL View Post
I lost interest in LoL since Riot is a pos company.
Care to explain that? I've personally had no real issues with Riot, they update regularily, release champions regularily (which to me after a new champion release refreshes the "newness" to the game each time). They interact with the community a lot on the forums. They sponsor major tourny's for the hardcore players, with lots of prizes.

My only real issue with them, is that their server down time can be random, long and annoying, but they seem to be learning and getting better at it atleast. That, and I'd like a new map or two at some point.

I play heroes of newerth a lot which apparently is very similar
From what I hear, LoL and HoN are both derived from DoTA, I've never played DoTA or HoN, but it's like the exact same arguement as TFC, TF2 and FF.

HoN was created for the hardcore DoTA players, like FF was created for us oldschooler TFC'ers. And LoL was created for the more common average player like TF2 was created for the same in the first person world.

Get people on the forums in a debate about LoL and HoN, and you see the same damn arguements that you see here when a FF/TF2 debate comes up. It's pretty funny actually.

Sona rules all!
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