Thread: IF I
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Old 06-23-2010, 11:10 PM   #103
tripleS!X's Avatar
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i personally have played in both (more usa than euro), and honestly both are pretty good. there are a couple dicks in the usa side but CMON really it's a game. some faggot 1000 miles from you is beaking off about your K/D, or raging because you can't conq. you gotta let that shit slide a bit. im sure if u ignore em enough they'll stop. most of the guys do seem tight and like to pick on the new guys. but fuck thats how real life is so get use to it. if you ask they will help you out with shit. the only way you will get better at the game is to play pickups. i havent really been around for a while especially playing pickups but that because i have rl shit going on. i read this thread and had to voice my opinion.

both the euro and u.s pickup communities are good. it's those select few that probably should lay off, grow up a little bit and give new people a chance to learn the game a bit instead of snap showing on em. this game fucking owns most be nice to see a little bit of a bigger community.

stIKy/ Durt
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