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Old 06-22-2010, 09:54 PM   #1882
DarkeN_HellspawN's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: The Sun
Class/Position: O/D D/O - For life or death
Gametype: 2fort Spectating Llama GD Ex. TALOS Sniper
Affiliations: FF God, The Yellow Brotherhood
Posts Rated Helpful 13 Times
interesting conversation....

I was staring at a decked out muslim man on the bus early this morning on the hall to work and of course being the person I am I stared for 10 minutes in a non-violent stare before I approached him. This process helps loosen up the interviewe. I told him my name and he told me is. I ask him how long in the USA. 10 years hew said. I asked why had he chose to come here and he said to be free and to live the american dream. I told him that if he was so free why did he still wear the get-up like he was in the middle east. He mentioned that his people all dressed like that and I explained that if wanted to be free why was he a slave to their dress codes. He mentioned it was Allah's will to dress that way and I mentioned that no where in the Koran does Allah mention to wear middle eastern garb but he did mention beards for the men to keep and he was clean shaven. He took some offense and smiled that he was a proud muslim and asked if I was a christian and I explained I was and I answered his questions. I ask about how he felt about terrorism and he said it all depends on the side of view. I explained that was a good explanation of it but that I tended to stay with the winning side. The conversation went down from there when my last words to him before moving seats was that The Yellow Brotherhood will be watching. It was like out of some movie and I would have won an oscar for that. I then started to hum the new Yellow Brotherhood theme song.

If you come across a great Yellow entity offering a yellow pill, take it. Its sunshine will grow in you stomach like a bowl of Sea Monkeys - The Great Yellow Book Page 8765 Ch. 194 -Section 3
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