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Old 06-02-2010, 11:47 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Bridget View Post
If you don't have the time to consider the personalities of people, then you should reserve judgment on them. This idea that judging individuals you come across off trivialities and cliches and misconceptions will instantly filter through to the good individuals is a delusion. Just as much as you are likely to come across great people using this method of profiling, there's a chance of completely neglecting otherwise great people. Therefore, the only conclusive way to determine a man's character and personality is by experience.

Sure, you might waste your dealing with tons of assholes, but at-least you know for certain they weren't a potentially great person you could have neglected based off this shitty standard of judgment you take from society. Plus, it's even more rewarding when you do come across someone good, as you can comparatively say they are good people instead of simply by default. There's the counter argument. Your method of quick evaluation is just as likely to dismiss great people as it is to dismiss terrible people. The only way to tell who is good or bad or ultimately worth your time is to dedicate your time.
I'd have to say I disagree again, moreover because you didn't listen to the point. We are absolutely not saying that ever well dressed individual is a "good" guy or better employee. What we are saying is that a well dressed individual understands corporate protocal and culture, which is essential in most companies. Appearance is a direct reflection of that person's understanding of the environment. If you require by your own standards to not shower, wear food stained clothes, then it doesn't matter how great you are at negociation. A client isn't going to take you seriously and a company isn't going to try and explain, "Hey, this is Bob. Bob is dressed sloppily, but he's a really great guy on the inside. We'd like you to trust us to meet your product standards and ask that you get to know Bob for who he is on the inside, rather then his unkept and slightly stinky appearance." You are right on one thing, your method would waste a lot of time, and time is money. Finding the best guy that understands the environment is far more valueable then finding a great guy who can't shower.

You're in a dream world Bridget, wake up, grow up. I guarrentee that you will conform, there's absolutely no doubt in my mind, you personally will change your appearance to be more appealling to an employeer, and I'm willing to bet you already have. Tell us, what jobs have you held?

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