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Old 05-23-2010, 09:19 PM   #47
FF Loremaster
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Originally Posted by Peon View Post
Unfortunately, if it's going to be something you don't like, that's how the pointer works for FPSs.
To be blunt, it has nothing to do with what I like and don't like. It has everything to do with that style of aiming/moving around making it incredibly tedious or damned near impossible to do the very basic movements required for Fortress Forever gameplay.

At the very least, given enough time, I could BHop efficiently with sticks (especially thanks to the new jump mechanic).

It's going to be incredibly tiresome or just not possible to BHop using the turning mechanic found in Wii FPS. That's the nature of it. Period.

Which was my point.

Edit: The Nostromo is fine for strafing and going straight. I use it with TF2. I can use it with FF but opt not too as it requires a bit of relearning.

The analog stick on the Wii is no different than analog sticks on any other console... other than it not being a circle (which would actually be a detriment to any sort of complex movement a-la TF2).

You could probably program HL2, and by extension FF, to use the Wiimote/nunchuck for playing. In fact, I'm sure you could find a program that would allow you to do that without a problem. If you've got a bluetooth deal on your PC, give it a shot.

You'll probably be disappointed in how absurd it is to move .
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Last edited by Credge; 05-23-2010 at 09:22 PM.
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