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Old 05-21-2010, 04:09 AM   #33
Altitude Junkie
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Originally Posted by Credge View Post
FPS on the Wii still suck.
Wrong! Heheheh......just wanted to punctuate that. Just play some Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and you'll be singing the Wiimotes praises for FPSs. I hear Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 is even better...for the controls at least. Here's a quote from the IGN review:
"Textures look great, the framerate locks at a steady 60 for the majority of time (small hiccups do occur), and it's a generally beautiful experience on Wii, easily trumping the previous Medal of Honor title and Call of Duty as the best looking first-person experience under Prime.

What it is, however, is the best controlling, most entertaining first-person shooter on Wii, and a no-brainer for hardcore gamers. Everything from IR sensitivity, horizontal and vertical look sensitivity, and dead zone (the amount of space the IR can move without beginning to push the screen) is fully customizable, allowing for near-perfect control via the Wii remote. With a few minutes of tweaking, most players will find their sweet spot, though with the options always on-hand we ended up making fine-tune changes throughout our entire first playthrough of the game right up until the review. Now that we've found exactly the right feeling though, we're deadly, and it was well, well worth the time it took to tweak it; online results are proof enough of that"
Originally Posted by Credge View Post
They're fine for on-rails shooters, but games like Red Steel and CoD just control terribly.
The early Wii FPSs controlled like your guy was a near-sighted stumbling drunk retard submerged in Elmer's glue.....a lot has improved since those days. These games should have been delayed, and only succeeded in pissing everyone off.
Originally Posted by Credge View Post
Edit: Aiming is fine. Movement is terrible.
Like above.....Metroid Prime on Wii = FPS greatness. Why that game doesn't have online play defies all's like getting a bunch of presents for your birthday but then one of your friends spits in your almost ruins the occasion.

MOH: Heroes 2 does have online, though, that many reviewers say is pretty fun. If only these 2 had been launch titles.....

Also, I have hacked my Wii so I can run many homebrew apps, including working Doom and Quake 1 engines. Quake in particular feels really fucking good, and your guns all twist and turn based on what angle your wrist is has a neat feel. The aiming and turning is so good it's almost scary.....I'm not kidding. I can't imagine a Quake TF MOD could be that hard to pull off on the Wii considering the Wii version engine is running simply off the original Doom 1-3 and Quake PC WAD files.....true story. I highly encourage everyone to try this.....and there's many ways to get the WAD files.

All of what was said, and there's no damn way a tiny thumb stick beats the Wii-mote.....

One more thing to add in the favor of all consoles though is a point that FF managed to prove, and that is that the game doesn't require a reload button. The ammo system is old-school, and you can fire at will, so make auto-reload always on, and there's one less button to push. It's also a really interesting feature of FF's gameplay that there's never a bad time to be reloading, and not many games can say that.
"The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, “You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.”"
- George Carlin

Last edited by Peon; 05-21-2010 at 04:12 AM.
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