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Old 04-24-2010, 09:34 PM   #12
AKA LittleAndroidMan
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Originally Posted by FrenchToast View Post
No, genetically superior kids with muscles are cool. That sounds like the message to deliver, imho.
How is that a better message to deliver? All that is saying is that 'you don't physically have the capability to become strong (because of who you are), so you should just give up!'.

That's hardly a more desirable outcome.

How about a much more ethical approach, and let reckless people be reckless. How about we realize that every individual is sovereign, and they have a right to self-ownership, and thus, should be free to harm themselves as much as they want, as long as they don't harm someone else in the process?

In other words, your right to punch me in the face ends where my face begins.
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