Thread: 6th graders
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Old 02-06-2010, 06:04 PM   #60
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He answered the question on tax cuts. He said he's already cut taxes: "A third of them were tax cuts, and they weren't -- when you say they were 'boutique' tax cuts, Mike, 95 percent of working Americans got tax cuts, small businesses got tax cuts, large businesses got help in terms of their depreciation schedules. I mean, it was a pretty conventional list of tax cuts."

The Congressman repeats the question again (not because President Obama asked or because he didn't answer it), and Obama again responds: "Here's what I'm going to do, Mike. What I'm going to do is I'm going to take a look at what you guys are proposing. And the reason I say this, before you say, "Okay," I think is important to know -- what you may consider across-the-board tax cuts could be, for example, greater tax cuts for people who are making a billion dollars. I may not agree to a tax cut for Warren Buffet. You may be calling for an across-the-board tax cut for the banking industry right now. I may not agree to that.

"So I think that we've got to look at what specific proposals you're putting forward, and -- this is the last point I'll make -- if you're calling for just across-the-board tax cuts, and then on the other hand saying that we're somehow going to balance our budget, I'm going to want to take a look at your math and see how that works, because the issue of deficit and debt is another area where there has been a tendency for some inconsistent statements. How's that? All right?

Of course you won't watch the video though (or even be honest about the text), and I don't expect anyone else will.

One would think a simple task would be, well, simple. Maybe not for simpletons.

Last edited by uBeR; 02-06-2010 at 06:06 PM.
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