Thread: 6th graders
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Old 01-27-2010, 02:29 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Scuzzy View Post
I'd rather he fumble with his words then it look like someone else is really running the country through him via a teleprompter. *shrug* It just seems that whenever Obama has a fault democrats immediately try to redirect to Bush. Same thing happened when he did things to tank the economy even worse, the loss of jobs, pushing an agenda most Americans do not want (which is ironically what the same people claimed about Bush). I think Obama would sum up his entire presidency as: Bush did this to me, I could have been a great president if it hadn't been for him. It's clear that the electorate is tired of hearing it... I'm just hoping the liberals continue to delude themselves and keep saying that isn't the case.
You judge a man entirely on his ability to speak? Actions speak louder than words. I'll judge Obama on his actions. In the meantime, I hope he uses the teleprompter so he can at-least explain his actions in a way that I can understand it. I don't want the 'uh uh uh oh ah uh wait a minute now' stuff he does when he's without it. I won't judge him on that, though, nor do I consider his ability to speak a representation of his education, intellect, etc. I don't judge his presidency on it either.

That whole blame thing has merit most of the time. We have had eight years of failed presidency, so it's only obvious people are going to be pissed off about it, and it's only obvious a lot of the problems of the past presidency will linger on into the next. Anyone who thinks we can just 'forget' those eight years of absolute failure is the only one persisting in delusion. Your side of the playground (I'll use that word because it accurately sums up how stupid politics is today) is just as worse when it comes to baselessly attacking people. You guys were blaming Clinton left and right whenever Bush made a mistake. Bush fucked up because Clinton got a blowjob! Oh noes. You people will probably blame Obama when the next President takes office. Lolzhypocrisy.
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