Thread: Integrity
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Old 01-14-2010, 02:14 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by BinaryLife View Post
So here's a thought. A large number of FOX broadcasters have been quoted lately as saying that during the Bush administration there were no terrorist attacks, but during Obamas administration there have been many. These attakcks they are referring to are domestic.

But here is my problem, they are neglecting 9/11 as well as other attacks like the shoe bomber. Their blatant disregard for the truth disturbs me personally. I was wondering what everyone else thinks. Even if you disagree and think that there is some explanation that exonerates these fox broadcasters and anchormen/women.
The shoebomber incident occurred in December of 2001, less then 3 months after 9/11. I've always understood that when individuals say that they mean that terrorist attacks on American soil were averted after the barriers between intelligence agencies created by the Clinton administration were removed and Bush's intelligence and monitoring policies were put into effect. Most of the extent of Clinton's failings were removed by Clinton's National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, so chances are we'll never know how much more was their fault. Lately Obama's made it clear that if you do something that even has a hint of improprity in the intelligence community that you'll be prosecuted. He's given terrorists the rights of citizens. Working under those restrictions, I'd be damn careful about what I did, who I talked to, what I asked, as well. We'll see what that costs us over the next few years I guess. Look at how much information we had on this guy and how careful we were being to preserve his constitutional rights to get on a plane...

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