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Old 01-08-2010, 04:18 PM   #62
stray kitten
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I wasn't making a point that 1910 specifically brought some great philosophies etc. I was making a point that the past did. But if you want to get critical that decade saw the beginning of quantum theories and formulation of the theories of relativity to be published a few years later. Also Marxist ideals, social justice and social revolution in the form of the Communist Manifesto. Along with some of Freud's work off the top of my head.

Ideas of modern democracy took seed 1000s of years ago. If you think about it, one could make a case that is was the collapse of authority that delayed it's eventual acceptance to current levels. Maybe 1/3 of the planet.

What is interesting to me is you don't seem to view increased power and authority by a federal government as "perverse culture that adheres to principles of discipline and obedience to certain power structures."

I think the 70s was the pinnacle because the old power structure of a faltering religious based doctrine was out and the federal overtake of personal choice and freedom was just getting going in the form of "social reform".
6 of the 10 richest counties in America now surround Washington D.C. Our "capitol" edged out Silicon Valley as the nation's richest metro area. Reality Distortion Field = 1. Stream the distractions: One percent, hoodies, and kony oh my.

Last edited by stray kitten; 01-08-2010 at 04:20 PM.
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