Thread: (Beta) Flagrun (B3 2009-12-22)
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Old 12-29-2009, 04:57 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Dr.Satan View Post
I'm sorry, but I just honestly don't see how it's that bad. First off, there is a 60 second delay before the mid-yard flags are available, so to say that they are getting BOTH those flags and making it to their base before someone can stop them in under 20 a bit far fetched. But your saying they are not only doing that, but also getting your flag too in all that time? That's 3 flags (iirc...been ages since I played, but from the screenies in the op that looks right) in 1min 20sec, and if there is someone that can cap that fast in a public setting...I want them to join my clan b/c dam!

I really think this is just a problem of extremely unbalanced teams, though. Because I just can't see letting a single scout/med beat me into and out of my fr before I can kill them.

idk though...I'm off tomorrow, so mb I'll try to jump onto a pub and check for myself.
It takes something like 30 seconds to a minute before the 2 in the middle are released.

It only takes a decent scout conjumper seconds at most to get from his spawn to the enemy flag room and grab a flag and then conc out of there. This is no where near enough time to set up any kind of defense. Even if you had everyone run for the flag room, the scout is already to the flag and on his way out.

and I really don't care if you believe me or not. I see it with my own eyes, 6 to 7 times right in a row. Rounds ending seconds after the 2 flags in the middle get released. Because at least during that game 2 decent scout conc jumpers were able to get their hands on both flags quickly and as soon as they were out of that box in the top they conc jumped back into their base.

Up till that point I loved the map, it was great, but the second you get 1 or 2 decent conc jumpers on 1 side it doesn't matter how good your defense is because they have already taken your flag.

Again I like fast moving games, but there has to be a limit to how fast a game is played.

I'm still looking to see if I have a demo of that night. I usually record most of my games, but sometimes I type a wrong letter in record (typing too fast) or I forget to start a demo.
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