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Old 12-14-2009, 06:06 AM   #74
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Suggestion for a change to the map...

Have a generator set up like the one thats on dropdown so that when its blown up it turns off the lasers in certain parts of the map.

I would like to see it turn off the lasers in the spawn by the key point, open the door to where the mask is in the shower area (not the actual mask door, just the door into that room (seeing as how you can jump in from the top anyway), maybe open the door that can be used to run up the stairs beside the jail cells. One other door I had an idea about was one of the lift doors in the front of the base as you come in the main doors. Just have one of the doors open so that the lift can be used.

After a minute you should be able to fix the generator, though after say 3 minutes it would be nice if a "auto repair" would kick in and fix it anyway.

The reason why I suggested all these things breaking cause then it could help with breaking stale mates that seem to happen when one team turtles.

As to where the generator could be... I'm not totally sure. I was thinking it could be in a room off to the left of the top walkway as you come out of the top sniper area. There is a room down at the end that I think only has a mask in it, which could have be expanded and have a generator put in, or it could be a whole new room somewhere between that top area and the mask room.

I think it should be somewhere out of the way, thats sort of easy get to but not so easy that the other teams demos are always running in and out of it.

I don't know if this is possible or what many others think of the idea, but its just that, an idea.
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