Thread: (Beta) FF_Plasma_beta1
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Old 09-15-2009, 10:12 AM   #31
Green Mushy
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I have been looking for another project but i am torn between a few different things. First off, ctf, to me, is not how i can help the mod succeed the most. I do love ctf, and think it is integral to the game succeeding competitively, but i feel as though my services are better designated to working on making the public scene a more positive experience. Alternatively, i believe that mapping for the pickup community is the purest form of what mapping actually is. It is the most gratifying group to succeed on a map with, and is the ideal group to be conceiving gameplay for. I am also involved with an intensive school program(not saying i dont have time), and i am forced to choose what my priorities are. Balancing this with the thought that i personally have my own unique opinions about what the problems are with the map that id like to fix, that could perhaps not be particularly accepted amongst the fans of the map. A lot of things i have in the map currently were placed for a specific reason, that did not pan out, and ended up not being used as intended. So, if i were to pick it up again, there is the potential that i change things(for the better in my mind), but could be perceived as me changing things that were not broken. Some may say ,"Leave it as is, just fix the bugs", but i truly dont believe it is as simple as that. For me to work on it, i have to genuinely believe there is a problem, and i have a fix for it, or some idea that will change the map and make it better for me to work on it at all.

That being said, my heart of hearts is that I do want to work on it. I do have some sentimental attachment to it, that its my map, and my first map at that. But it has been out for so long, and has been successful in its current state, that i feel as though the map is somehow not mine anymore. I do also feel that i am a new mapper now. That my abilities and knowledge have accrued over time will help the map become something even more then it is now. I believe that if i am to take it up again, i will add a lot of new things that will make gameplay more interesting. I also trust that i will make it look very good.

What exactly are the problems with the map that need to be fixed? I do know about being able to cap on the wrong cp. Something about lasers? I would like to keep a more community involved dialogue going, so i know exactly what people's issues are. I will address them if they are brought to me in the right manner. But to make people aware of some issues that i want to fix. I feel that the cap point is not in the most ideal spot. I feel that sometimes it is more effective to take the flag out of the flag room rather then throwing it down the lasers. I also feel that the bottom level is not very interesting geometrically. I also dont like how sgs go up nearly instantly out of the bottom spawn. I had originally intended for the flag to be harder to defend as the players toss the flag out of the lasers, but im not sure that is currently true. I may even say it is easier to hold the flag in the bottom level because it is so close to the resup. I feel the bottom level gets very spammy and doesnt have very many interesting gameplay elements. So if i were to take it up again, those are some issues i would target.
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