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Old 03-23-2009, 12:16 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2009
Class/Position: I like being a Scout, or a spy. Both on Offense.
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FF won't show up.

First off, I'd like to say hi, as this is my first post here.

Now the problem:

I have played FF before, and I loved it. (Kinda confused me at first because I was too used to TF2, but I got used to it.)
Now, we had a virus, and we had to reformat my hard drive. So I get my steam account, and install every game I had before.
And the Source SDK, and the Base too.

Fortress Forever doesn't show up on my games list. I used the installer for version 2.2, then I used the patch to put it up to 2.3.
I restarted Steam, nothing. I restarted my computer, nothing.
I have the FortressForever folder inside my sourcemods folder.

If it helps, I'm using the beta of the new SDK, if it makes a difference.

EDIT: I turned off the beta SDK, and it's still not working.
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