Thread: ff_badlands
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Old 07-18-2005, 06:17 AM   #124
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if the ladder goes to the top, you won't be able to drop off half-way, becouse of the func_useable ladder :s

and by the way, this is whith EVERY map that isnt done by the FF people, with an exception or two BAD LIGHTING CAUSES THAT UGLY RAINBOW EFFECT, not a skybox
and no, it is the skybox!
never had it before i put in the skybox, and i don't have it anymore without the skybox

oh and why is there a tree growing randomly out of the base?
ok, trees grows where they want, most likely on flat surface or on a clif where there is some flat space, like just on top of the base

if somebody else complains about it, i wil remove it
your wall and floor don't line up in the fourth picture, blend it better or something
if you mean the rock wall, well thats becouse i'm trying to get bumpmaps for it, witch causes (for the moment) a bad lighting effect on the rockwall

Originally Posted by kaMIKazE
does someone knows how to add the heat effect?
env_steam set to heat haze, they eat fps though and wont show in dx7 afaik

pink lighting = place some env_cubemaps and buildcubemaps in game

skybox = look on for some 512x512 env maps, prefix the name with sky_ and put this in the .txt when you run vtex
"$skybox" 1
"$nocompress" 1
vmt looks something like this:
	"$baseTexture" "skybox/sky_blahblah_ft"
	"$nofog" 1
	"$ignorez" 1
	"$skybox" 1
ok, no heat effect and the cubemaps won't help, thats another pink
that's the chess board with black an pink tiles

i know how to make vtf's, only i don't know how to make the pictures fit

and eh, skyboxes are 1024*1024
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