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Old 01-23-2009, 06:33 PM   #1
FF Loremaster
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Join Date: Sep 2007
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What would YOU like to see changed?

Thread is as simple as that. What would you like to see changed? It doesn't matter how extreme or odd it seems. Just list it. SERIOUS CHANGES ONLY! Don't joke around here.

Be descriptive with each change. Instead of saying "Nerf the pyro" suggest how, give a percentage, write up an example, etc. Want a new feature for a class? Maybe make a sketch, write up a bit of something about it. No fluff is required! All that matters is a well fleshed out idea.

Want to just see some values changed but don't know the exact details? Don't worry! Take a rough guess at what they are. Use a base of 100 for best results.

Some examples include:

An increase to railgun damage from 100 to 120.

A decrease to rocket travel speed from 100 to 90.

An increase to heavy armor absorption from 100 to 150.

I would also like to see a weapon replace the super shotty on the engineer. I'm calling it the Lock-On-Aparatus. Essentially it's a target painter that acts like the link gun in the UT series (video below... the secondary fire... the constant stream). Once a target is painted, the sentry gun will lock on to that target at a further distance, will be able to follow its target through walls (but will not fire) and will instantly fire at the enemy once it becomes painted.

The gun will do minor health damage (1 a second) but will drain armor rapidly. When used on an ally, it will repair armor. When repairing armor, it drains cells.

Also, limited range.

Things like that are what I'm interested in reading.
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

Ronald Reagan
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