Thread: ff_badlands
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Old 07-14-2005, 06:06 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by CatzEyes93
ugh... my favorite ledge to put my sg on for the flag area is gone. =-( Is it possible to put a new ledge in a diff location for defending the flag? It doesnt have to be the same ole same ole place... but someplace against those walls surrounding the flag pit?

By the way, you have done a WONderful job with this map! It looks very playable and purty. I just worry weather or not I will be able to walk along the paths. Some of those look like I would fall right off the edge! LOL!

nope, exact on the same place, i've just played TFC again and i've noticed that it was missing so ive added it

Originally Posted by CatzEyes93
I would think that a new rendering of the map would lend itself to some minor changes. I wouldnt mind having the small stuff missing, but I would like to see that we make sure that we account for some of the needs around the original reason it was there. Example: originally there were to alcoves and a light fixture in that fr area... engies would build there. So if we take any of those out, perhaps be sure to include another alcove or ledge in a similar fashon in about that area. You know... like... put the light on the OTHER side. Or instead of the alcove, put a ledge... ya know?
I don't really know what you mean, (you've used some words that are unkown to me :s)

can you try to say it in an other way?
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