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Old 10-18-2008, 12:07 PM   #2
[AE] 82694
Retired FF Staff
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Join Date: Mar 2007
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Long Version

Administrators are present to ensure that the gaming environment is fair and fun for the majority of players, and have full authority to decide both what constitutes a policy violation and how to deal with it. All official FF administrators to assist with easier identification will wear a FF designation suffix tag in their in game name or come up listed in the game's text as "console". The administrators official in game tag designations are as follows: [FF Dev], [FF Beta], [FF Admin], [FF Staff] & [FF Mod].

1. Cheating is NEVER allowed on any of our servers.

Cheating is defined as any act of exploiting software or hardware that gives a player or team an unfair advantage over their opponents. This includes wall hacks, aim bots, cvar modifications, OGC or other cheat mods, spectator coaching and anything else that violates the spirit of fair play. Any evidence of cheating noticed will result in an immediate, permanent ban from the server.

A] While the position against cheating cannot be emphasized strongly enough, we also hold to the idea that crying "cheat" without strong evidence adds chaos and disruption to the game. Please make sure you have a reasonable suspicion of cheating based on specific activity before you accuse someone of cheating (i.e. - getting owned by someone does not justify accusing them of cheating). If you suspect someone is cheating, please notify the server administrators on the server.

2. Utilization of exploits is NEVER allowed on any of our servers.

Exploits involve capitalizing upon bugs or inconsistencies in the game code or a map that creates an unintended consequence or unfair advantage. Use of any type exploit on our servers is strictly forbidden and will result in an immediate permanent ban from the server.

3. Repeated spamming/camping or blocking of the re-spawn area(s) in our team based games/mods is unsportsmanlike and will result in administrative action.

4. Excessive team killing while friendly fire is enabled is unsportsmanlike and will result in administrative action.

5. Good natured trash talking using adult language is part of any game, and is allowed on our servers. However, we will not put up with any racism whatsoever! If you use racist remarks you will be subject to disciplinary actions by any administrators playing on the server or monitoring the server via the console.

6. We welcome adult and opinion expressive sprays on our servers. With that said though, some sprays will not be allowed. Sprays that are determined to be to extremely distasteful, offensive or derogatory will not be allowed.
If your spray is determined to be inappropriate a server administrator will advise you not to spray it again and take administrative action against you should you continue to spray it after being instructed not to.

7. In game voice communication abuse is not allowed. If you consistently spam in game voice communication you will be automatically muted to all players by a server side plug-in and will have administrative action taken against you.

8. Unsportsmanship play will not be tolerated and will result in immediate administrative action being taken against you.

Unsportsmanship play is any act or actions that interrupts the normal game playing flow.

Examples of unsportsmanship acts/actions are as follows: blocking a door (using yourself or a buildable object), Flag holding or refusing to cap the flag (for any reason) and purposely revealing your team members positions (though voice or text).

9. Impersonation of a FF Server Admin/FF Developer/FF Beta Tester or any other official FF staff member is strictly forbidden. If you are found to be impersonating a FF member it will result in immediate administrative action being taken against you.

10. Ignoring the requests of an admin or showing disrespect (mouthing off) to server administrators is not allowed.
Nothing will result in disciplinary action faster than willfully ignoring/rebuking the request(s) of an administrator.

Admin Action Disclaimer
As server administrators repesenting the FF community we will make every effort to practice fair judgement and extend a decent amount of leniency in regards to conducting disclpinary action against players. The only exception to this statement would be if you are determined to be using cheats or taking advantage of any type of exploits. With that said however, one needs to keep in mind that the server admins are just regular people like you and sometimes they may not be as patient/tolerant as they should be based on what they have had to deal with that particular day. Not to mention the server administrators are human and humans sometimes do make mistakes.

If you feel you have had administrative action taken against you unjustly it is requested that you post a civilized complaint regarding it in the appropriate board on the Fortess Forever forums.

When you make your post in regards to the action taken against you please include as much information and proof as possible. For example, you'll need to include the following: Your in game name, The date/time, your Steam ID, your side of the story of what happend, the process of which you were taken action against (in chronological format) and any data you took to support your case (screenshots, demo's, in game voice recordings and text copy of the console or chat log).
I Love GenghisTron . I miss you sooooo Much. LOL.
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