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Old 09-25-2008, 03:30 PM   #102
Boss 4 all da rite reasons
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Join Date: Sep 2007
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Class/Position: O scout/med D sol/demo
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Affiliations: Founder of the Goodfellas.
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Originally Posted by elwood
lol vinny. if anybody needs to stick a sock in their mouth it should be you lol. "i can't believe you took all that time to type all that out." i bet your brain and fingers were burning after that post.

meanwhile, I participate and populate public servers that this community desperately needs as well as helping out new players when they have questions. so i do contribute to the better good of this game like it or not.

you're just too fucking retarded as a person to see anything of this because you're too busy stacking teams and having a constant circle jerk with gator in #ff.pickup which takes most of your time in a single day. so other than the fact of you playing in leagues and stacking pickups daily i don't see how your pathetic ego driven-persona is helping out the community a single bit.

you are right though, vinny, the fellas are the best team in FF 5v5 currently out of 7 teams. why don't you go ahead and put that major life milestone accomplishment/award on your next job resume. i am sure they will care like i do.

i know you want competition, but i will not nor will any |D| member bring the team back to any game and you guys wouldn't be able to beat us either. just look what -459 did to you on dropdown

elwood broski..i know your a solid player...i know you help out the new players n shit and thats great.....

you are throwing out false accusations though as if all i do is sit on irc waiting to play with gator or another goodfella on irc. Lately i been pubbin it up and trying my desperate measures to inform new players of the use of IRC and where competition comes into play. Becuase after all, thats all we want..

oh and for the record...yes 459 DID beat us in 1.0 FF on dropdown...we got raped too i believe 8-1 or somethin...that was our first match too i believe lolz...too bad it was preseason...too bad we all had 10 fps after recording....too bad you killed your clan and couldnt "support" this game like you say you do. Now in 2.1 the goodfellas have yet to lose an actual league match since then...soooo ya...we all know this...its nothing new...maybe i stress it too much...but holy shit is it fun to say your the best when in fact you dominate every nooby in this game....

back to what hoop said.. I think there should be an allstar team consisted of all the N.A. teams to form one team to play against the goodfellas. For fun of course...And to have some high level competition with this game. Recorded, allow spectators and what not... New players can see what this game is capable of and HOPEFULLY they will learn something.
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