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Old 09-13-2008, 04:36 AM   #1
Whitest Kid You Know
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My 7800 GS Doesn't Support HDR?

Thrilled of the new patch, I decided to go onto monkey and check out the beauty of the HDR I've seen in a video.

There was none.

I was baffled and went to my video settings in-game to find it on "None." (Yet the recommended setting was full HDR.) So I switch it back on, leave the game, and reentered the map.

HDR wasn't present.

I go back to the settings and it was still on. Maybe I have to restart the game, I thought. So I did. I reloaded the map to find no HDR still. I went back to my settings to find that the game itself changed it back to "None" on startup. I was rather annoyed...

I loaded up Lost Coast to see if this happened on more than just Fortress Forever. It turns out that the HDR setting was not effective; there was no HDR.

The NVIDIA settings have graphics settings configured to where the 3D application decides. I have the latest drivers for my video card (175.19). I don't have any older drives, since I already nuked them and downloaded 175.19 afterwards.

Is it that my video card is dying and cannot support it anymore? Every now and then I see wireframe instead of a certain texture in Half-Life 2 Deathmatch.

Basic Specs:

NVIDIA 7800 GS 256 RAM
Intel Pentium 4 3.2GHz
2 GB Ram
Windows XP Media Center Edition, SP3

Any suggestions?
Oh, man... More armor for the win, yeah?
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