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Old 09-07-2008, 11:59 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by trepid_jon
Whatever happened to simple censores and gags? A ban for words? Seriously? I know I never say anything on this stuff, but holy shit. Servers can completely control what words are seen, so banning seems like a last resort for getting rid of actual problems. Cursing can be completely avoided, but griefing and cheating can't.

"Bob: this is fucking stupid" -> "Bob: this is ****ing stupid"

Bob keeps playing. FF keeps players. Problem is solved.


"Bob: this is fucking stupid" -> Bob banned
I think you misunderstand how the system works, because the situation you're outlining above is not the case. I'll explain.

1) Bob: this is fucking stupid.
- Bob is slayed to get his attention.
- Bob gets a text message that says "You were was slayed for language. Continued issues can result in a short or perm ban. See the Motd for more information.
- Bob has the following sound that is played over his machine that says, "Please keep the language and content clean. Continued language issues can result in a temporary of even permanent ban."
Bob now has a choice. He can intentionally push the system until he's perm banned, which is exactly what Nuk3m did, or he can go back to playing. A person is given several chances and has all three things above happen every single time to make sure they understand the server rules.

Now, after Bob does get banned temporarily, the system feels he's got a pretty clear idea of what the rules are. So, after that, each occurrance is a progressively longer ban.

So, you can see, it's not a case of "swear and instantly get banned." I suspect you know this though, we've been in the TFC/FF community for years and this is a long standing problem some individuals have with our server. Each time we do explain the system throughly, how it works is also available in our FAQ.

Why progressively longer? In the past we'd just ban individuals perm for language issues. In the past we NEVER reviewed bans, once you were gone you were gone. To help your community we've adjusted those policies while still filtering out unwanted players, but giving them more chances to play.

Now, Nuk3m is one of those rare cases that had his perm ban reviewed and lifted. He is still bound by the rules of the system and he's agreed to that.

Originally Posted by trepid_jon
Whatever happened to simple censores and gags?
Two reasons. 1) In order to do that our language system would have to be coded into SourceMod. The system is far to complicated to handle that level of complexity without a performance hit to the playerbase. 2) We have found that individuals who intentionally push our rules or can not control their language are not people we want to play with. They have a tendency to be much more immature then other players, have difficulty handling the stress of the game, and are just not individuals we're interested in playing with long term. We only have 22 slots, so weeding out the people we don't want to play with and keeping the regulars we do is our primary concern.

Originally Posted by trepid_jon
Bob stops playing. FF loses players. Problem is worse.
I'm way late to these arguments, I guess.
Any individual who discontinues playing a game because one server banned him wasn't interested in the game in the first place. Second, one thing that would truely help players understand a server's rules would be a fullpage motd message just like is present in TF2. I know you have a direct impact on making this happen and I am sure it would help many server administrators to see this happen.
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