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Old 06-15-2008, 08:01 AM   #6
Retired FF Staff
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Gametype: Doubble Mode
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Yea, I think the problem with that VIP vs VIP map is going to be making sure the rounds aren't too short. The bases that each team has to hide in aren't nearly as easy to defend as a regular CTF base, and killing one specific person is way easier than even touching a flag, let alone getting out with it.

There's a lot of things I can gear to favor the defenders, thought, like providing lots of resupply bags in each base. Hopefully people will be encouraged to devise new ways of staying alive.

Anyway, short rounds aren't too bad as long as you don't feel like you're constantly respawning (ala epicenter). Everyone on attack or defence has a job to do right away.

Um, I meant to reply to bug people to give me more feedback on tiger before it goes out in the next patch, but got sidetracked.
TG: pretty much you have no idea how much i fuckin own at this game.
TG: i bested no less than three flaming tornados and broke a huge wizard.
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