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Old 06-13-2008, 02:50 AM   #1
Retired FF Staff
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Posts Rated Helpful 1 Times
Dev Journal: Nezumi (2008-06-01)

My dev jernal came just before the auto thread-starting thingy happened, and I don't want to be left out
Actually, I'm mostly fishing for feedback on tiger.

Original here:



You guys, seriously, I'm not. Even. Joking. I'm on the dev team!
So I thought I'd write y'all a little dev jernal [sic].

I'm making maps. Actually, as some of you may know, I'm making a lot of maps. Some of them may now actually get finished. One of them, ff_tiger, did get finished recently. (Btw, if you're reading this and you're Arne 'Cynic' Lund, plz email me kthx). I think tiger will be included in version 2.1. I'm really excited about the opportunity to make an update without running into version conflicts, or having things like an _r1 version.

Cacti should also be done sometime soon too, now that I can get a little help from FF's modelers, scripters, and lua coders. I'm tingling with excitement (even now) at the thought of being able to work on a map as part of a team. There's always things that are probably very simple, but would take me so long to figure out on my own. Just a few very basic props, a little lua fixup, a line here or there added to sentences.txt so I can get some Ellen McLain in the map. Beta testing will be handy too.

Finally, there's Harbor. I've always been an advocate of new gameplay types, so I'd like to get this one released. It's kinda like hunted, except there are 2 VIPs and each has a team of bodyguards. There's no goal to escort your VIP to, and instead each team must try to kill the enemy VIP before they do the same to you. If a VIP kills the enemy VIP, then you team gets an extra large pile of points. Instead of being civilians, the VIPs can pick from any of the normal 9 classes. I'm imagining them being spy, and trying to stab their rival, or being a medic and concing to a rooftop to hide, or being a soldier and sitting behind a wall of defenders, and so on. The map takes place in a fairly realistic looking harbor area (although far less open than tiger), and there are 7 bases around the map. Each team randomly rotates to another base each time a VIP is killed, and some bases are much easier to defend than others. Pon is being awesome and writing the LUA for me, and for the first time ever I'm going to knock up the level with dev textures and playtest it that way, so I can rearrange it if necessary.

So, uh, that's the plan anyway. Remember everyone, don't press the carve button.
TG: pretty much you have no idea how much i fuckin own at this game.
TG: i bested no less than three flaming tornados and broke a huge wizard.
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