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Old 04-29-2008, 06:01 AM   #289
Retired FF Staff
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: The Peoples Republic of Harmfull Free Radicals.
Class/Position: Soldier, O
Gametype: Doubble Mode
Affiliations: Cassiotone Nation
Posts Rated Helpful 1 Times
So, hammer works and everything, but the compilers don't.

When I try to compile the map I just get some error saying some file couldn't be found or something.

I've put a bunch of work into this map over the last few days. I removed a room from the 2nd section of the map. It was a bitch to sew it back together, but the map is mostly in it's final form now. There's tons of empty space behind all the displacements in the 3rd section that I gotta fill with nodraw brushes, put the 3d skybox back, get the lua worked out, and make everything happen on the correct timer, and other shit like that.

I've got a lot of the sounds woked out. I've got cool soundscapes for everything, as well as a lot of sounds for when rounds start/end. The 60/30/10 second alarm is the ambient/alarms/warningbell1 sound (if you want to look it up). I love that sound. I wanna get this doorbell and make it play that noise. The 3rd cap point is going to make a large mechanical winding up nose during the last 30 seconds of the game, and an alarm will sound in the last 10 seconds. It's gonna cause a panic, hopefully, especially if both are happening at the same time.

Also, before the doors open on each round, the radio overwatch voice will say these sentances. Remember the defenders are blue and the attackers are yellow:

Round 1:
"Four hundred and four riot. Yellow citizen infection is now in progress. All units apply foreward pressure."

Round 2:
"Two hundred and forty three assault on protection team is now in progress. Isolate, cauterize level 5 anticivil activity."

Round 3:
"High priority region is now infested zone. Fifty one B threat to property in progress. Stabilization team, failure to treat identified local outbreak will <something> recall and recycle."

I can't quite tell what that one word is, but I <3 Ellen McLain.
TG: pretty much you have no idea how much i fuckin own at this game.
TG: i bested no less than three flaming tornados and broke a huge wizard.
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