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Old 04-10-2008, 03:36 PM   #2
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This is a much better place for a thread like that!

However you don't get it really. Playing against the random people who are in your server in a structured match is like trying to train a cage full of deaf elephants to preform in a ballet. You just can't do it. Pub players do not listen and rarely play what / how they are told.

It does not matter if your team is on one team b/c O running against 3 pub players is soo much different then O running against 3 clan players. and even if they are your own team and your just playing the same guys over and over it's still better then playing against the elephants.

Your idea is kind of on the right track in that playing against each other over and over isn't going to be as valuable as playing against other players. BUT those other players simply can not be pub players. You should practice alone and either scrim or play in pickups to test out your strats...pubs just aren't the solution.

AND you getting "pub" players together and organizing them isn't the same either...your essentially making a clan and scrimming them at that point.
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