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Old 02-28-2008, 02:46 AM   #18
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by -pF-
Well then, get some friends to play as well. I don't see how FF or the community is to blame for a lack of australian/nz players. Oh, and I regularly play with a ~200 ping and it's really not that bad.
You are kidding, right?

The entire point of a mod is to encourage play. Don't ya think something is a bit ... wrong if there's an absence of players?

I'm not actually having a go at anyone here, or even FF itself. I'd love to be able to post up my opinions of the mod and offer insight as to where I think things need changing, but the fact is without a server to play on that isn't 200+, I can't judge the mod on its merits without getting thrown off by the lag.

Anyone who's been gaming for long enough can tell you once you start going past 150+, you're at an extreme disadvantage.

Point is - to play a mod, it shouldn't be up to me to rally people to play with me. If it has a healthy community, the game will encourage people to play (the majority of that job shouldn't be left to people). I'm a little boggled at the assertion that the onus is on me to get people to play with.

I guess my point is - the game seems heavily developed towards a specific audience; so much so that it appears to be a niche mod with very little appeal to a wider audience. Is this a problem? Well I guess that depends on the intentions of the developers. What's the point in playing a mod which boasts all these cool features if there's no one to play against?

mervaka: lol yeah definitely electrons fault :P
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