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Old 01-24-2008, 07:18 PM   #50
Retired FF Staff
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Originally Posted by KubeDawg
I am also not thrilled with the dramatic lowering of the blue pipe timers because of this reason, but a shorter timer is better than the long one it had.
A shorter time is fine, but this is a huge difference. I would be fine with a more moderate/reasonable change to around 1.8 or 2.0 seconds, but as it stands, if you shoot a blue pipe straight up, it will explode just as it starts to fall back down. Standing on the catwalks in SD2 yard, you can't hit the ground unless you aim straight down, standing on the middle bunker, you can't reach front door. Standing on the upper area in the congestus flagroom, demoman can spam the RR entrance to hell and basically hit anyone on the floor at will. I don't think he needs a RL.
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