Thread: UB3R FOUL UP
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Old 12-27-2007, 08:23 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by battery
You may disagree with me on this. But let me tell you one important thing I learn from going thru high school in America:

Don't always try to convince people with reasoning, because, more often than not, there is a better alternative. Evoking emotions from your audience is far more effective. Realize that most people are just like animals. They live solely on their emotions: love, hate, pride, respect, vanity. Their "morals" and "beliefs" are usually based on shallow feelings, or peer pressure. Reason? Logic? Pffff, they don't have time for that. The consequence is they seldom question their own beliefs. As long as it feels good, they care less whether their beliefs actually make good sense. Politicians are capable to swaying public opinions becuase they know how to manipulate emotions.

I don't know if 3nigma is this type of person. But before attempting to reason with him, I'd rather find out what kind of tactics he is receptive to. Perhaps he is a typical teenager, who will listen to anything you say as long as he likes you. But may be he is the kind of guy who is usually very logical and open to different perspectives. I don't know. But this is something that you should find out before doing anything else.
No. If someone is too stupid to comprehend another person's reasoning, or are too blinded by their own amibitions or beliefs, it's noone else's fault but their own. And if they get hurt in the process, and wonder why, let them figure it out. Ignorance is the most common reason why people get confused and angry about things in life, you shouldn't try to take advantage of their emotions because of it. give them the reasons why something is a certain way, and if they don't like it, then screw em... He's not wrong, as that's his own opinion in regards to SG sabbing, but if you can't logically explain something to someone, then they will have a really hard time trying to understand...
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