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Old 12-22-2007, 07:13 AM   #19
FF Loremaster
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Join Date: Sep 2007
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Concing a skilled heavy is absolutely moot. Considering that this is at a league level, you'd expect to find skilled players. Rarely, if ever, has a conc effected my HW aim... especially since aim in this game is vastly easier than in TFC. Simply looking at the tracers is all it takes.

Base rules need to be established or an assholish approach to league play will spawn, causing nothing but a league of griefers and asshats.

Of course there shouldn't be any map specific rules yet, but there should be after the second time playing the map. Much of this isn't an issue.

It should be against the rules to spam the spawn. This is a simple rule that will be abused greatly if no rules are in place. Offensive demomen can easily mirv out a respawn door. This has always been an issue in 2fort in TFC and won't change here. This has always been a problem on many maps, actually.

No more than a 3 man D should be allowed in a 5v setting. This stops teams from getting an early cap advantage and turtling.

If the previous rule is not enforced then a class limit needs to be put in place. Two SG's in aardvark, coupled with a demoman, hw, and soldier, can hold down aardvark easily. The strategy can change from map-to-map, but the principle is the same. These rules have nothing to do with player skill, it has to do with being fair for both teams and promotes consistency. It also denotes e-peens, one-up-man-ship, griefing, etc. It promotes sportsmanship and, again, consistency in both comparable skill level between players as well as league play.

OVO isn't a major deal. I'm of the persuasion that it shouldn't be allowed due, again, to balance and consistency. OVO simply hurts any offensive efforts and, without any other rules, promotes turtling.

Yard D I could care less about. I feel it should be allowed as long as the flag is there with the exception of snipers, which should be allowed to yard d for the entire map. This is simply so snipers don't get their feelings hurt.

I openly welcome any teams to play snipers and spies against any team I am a member of. In fact, I would promote it.

All in all, I understand wanting to start with a clean slate for the league. I promote this entirely. However, rules need to be in place for any sort of consistent gameplay. Saying that there are 'no rules' for the league is begging for disaster. It's no different than starting a forum designed for talking about the prices of tea in china and allowing 'anything to go'. It eventually turns into 4chan. And we all know how that went.

Edit: To summarize, here's what my cousin has to say about it:

'Sean: having rules is what makes it a match really, if [you have] no rules you have deathmatch with certain teams'

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