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Old 11-10-2007, 11:03 AM   #56
=AS= Pt
Join Date: Oct 2007
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Originally Posted by mervaka
i think people know about the mod, but are full up with other people's preconceptions of it being as it was in the release - buggy and slow for some people.
I agree with this idea. The first day it wasnt very good, but with time it get a lot better, but people that already have tryed maybe wont do it again because had a bad start.

Originally Posted by greenday5494
sorry, but he really isnt, hes being realistic. this mod is dying is because people really dont want to play it.
true, it may be sorta unknown, but really, it is pretty widely-known.
also, could we just go back to playing now? if we really had all of the active forums member PLAYING, we would have ourselves a good game, not too big of a community but hey, you can play with some people.
I dont think it is pritty known. Just Because you know about it cant say everybody knows about it too. That is just assuming that everyone do the same as you, just because you do it. I can say that if i didn't go ask, and search about FF i wouldn't know about it. You can't possibly think that 10% os the world gamers (WORLD GAMERS) buy game magazines or go to sites of gaming. Not true. The gamers i know are in school, are working and play for fun. They log into computer, start steam and start playing. Those who buy the magazines are the one's that have seen FF in 1 page, and TF2 and Halo in 5 each. What is the game you think they will try if dont know none? FF was smack down by TF2 professional work of distributing and promoting, because they had MONEY for that. If we cant go after that money to promote... Hell this idea its a great one:

Originally Posted by zSilver_Fox
It'd be cool if we could just put FF on a bunch of CDs just to give out for free...everywhere.
Why not do this? Its alot more efective then say to our friend "hey, go (the link doenst work) and download it, you have to blablablabla...and our friend is like zzzzzzzzzzz or . That way its A LOT EASYER. LOOOOOOOVEDDDD THE IDEA.

Someone do an official cover so every body can have the same. I woulddo it, but it would be a CRAP, cause i just suck making things pritty.

Pitty that if they dont have Ep1, 2 or HL2 it wont work...Dooooh

Sorry for the language and grammar errors

Last edited by =AS= Pt; 11-10-2007 at 11:09 AM.
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