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Old 10-20-2007, 10:08 PM   #2
in-game as Dr.Ainpipe
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Originally Posted by richard nixon
Instead of turning your brightness up and making it look funky I found a way to "force" bloom even if the maps don't have it already. It does hurt your fps though, so don't use this if you don't at least have a midrange system

works in both -dxlevel 81 and directx9 mode.

put it in autoexec.cfg in your "cfg" folder

mat_force_bloom "0"
mat_disable_bloom "0"
mat_bloomscale "4"
you can change mat_bloomscale to anything but if you want it to be bright and not worthless performance hit make it at least 2 or higher. No matter how high you put it, it will not hurt performance. Bloom does but the amount of bloom makes no difference. At least not on my machine.

This makes some maps look brighter and have good looking lights. Especially in shutdown2 where the light peaks through the ceiling. I think it looks great and brightens up ff_well where it isnt so dark and gloomy but it still has a night-time atmosphere. And you don't need to enable HDR.
LOL arggg. I was getting 8~10 fps this way. Is there a perhaps a way to make the texture brighter or more luminous?
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