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Old 10-10-2007, 08:57 PM   #14
FF Server Op / Beta Tester
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Originally Posted by ~kev~
So must of you think it is unlikely that PC gaming was affected by Halo 3?

Out of the millions of copies of Halo 3 that were sold, just a few were to PC gamers? My theory is, even if ten thousand copies of Halo 3 were sold to PC gamers, that ten thousand could affect FF and other gaming communities.

Oh yea, I forgot about Bio-shock. It should have been on my first list.

The theory is, the FF community was affected by the release of tf2, Bio-shock and Halo 3. The biggest influence was tf2, followed by bio-shock and lastly halo 3.
In short, what you're saying is that a lot of big-name games (TF2, Halo 3, Bioshock) came out at or around the time that FF was released, am I correct in that assumption?

If so, then I reply by saying this. Just keeping playing the mod. As long as there is a LIVING community for the mod, it'll continue to thrive. The more interested pubbers = the more attention the devs give you it = the moregooder it gets. We just have to keep building the base.

The reason that we probably had 1000+ at the word 'go' was because it was new. They made their decisions early and maybe they left. I did the same with Halo 3; I went to a friends house to see what the hype was about. After beating the game and playing the MP; it got old. So, I move back to FF.

As far as the old school TFC'ers go, I'm clocking in on 8 years. I love FF, and that's why I asked and still am, a beta tester was to make sure it played like TFC yet still had the modern upgrades and graphics. If it's not your cup of tea; don't knock it, just keep walking. Internal fighting isn't helpful and doesn't help the morale of the community and doesn't look good from the outside-looking-in.

Anyway, that's all I got. I'm heading home from work to populate my server and hopefully crash my lil' server box.
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