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Old 05-09-2005, 08:30 AM   #175
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Re: masterMAN

Originally Posted by Absolute Zero

If anyone remembers 'masterMAN' or Corpse-Squadron [CS], that is who I am. I started playing games back when Dark Reign was released or a little before Warcraft 1 and my friend showed me Half-Life. Besides Doom it was my first FPS game and I had been playing it shortly after it's release. After some DMing I got bored and wanted to look more on the teamwork aspect and found TFC. I have never been so addicted to a game in my life.

I'll shorten things a bit.

I played solo with one of my best friends AlphaTronics until we met Rid and Crashy and joined [CS]. I played with them for 4 years and the clan went through some heavy stuff and had some difficulty keeping things together. We were almost always the underdogs because we were a clan struggling to survive and seeing everyone come back together on here without Valve's help is just an inspiration. I have always helped out newbs and many of the newbs I helped went on to join some of the most prestigous/successful clans.
hey i remember you! ChewMaster has been on IRC many times the past few days!
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